The web build for this game is around 220mb, so it will take about 2 to 3 minutes to load the first time.

Downloading and unzipping will give you a better experience.  Alt+F4 to quit.  Scroll down for the better downloadable version.


Cull as many badgers as you can. When the bombs run dry, remember... "You are the Weapon!"

There are 12 armoured targets in total, but only 11 bombs.

The game was made with a controller in mind, and the web build seems to work way better in Chrome.  I recommend playing in Chrome and not Firefox if you have to use the web build.


This little plane has seen better days, and if you climb too steeply for too long or if you fly too high, the engine will stall.

Hitting the restart engine key will attempt to start the engine again, but you must level the plane out first, or it won't restart!

This game has controller support, but sometimes doesn't work with Firefox.  Please let me know which browsers do and do not work with a controller.

Controller Input:

Left-stick, Up & Down:  Increase & decrease speed.

Left-stick, Left & Right:  Pitch control.  Rotate anti-clockwise & clockwise.

Y: Restart engine.

X:  Flip the plane.

A:  Fires your machine gun.

B: Drops a bomb straight downwards.

Left and Right bumper: Zoom in and out. 

Start: Pause Toggle.  Show audio options.

Keyboard Input:

W & S:  Increase & decrease speed.

A & D:  Pitch control.  Rotate anti-clockwise & clockwise.

R: Restart engine.

F:  Flip the plane.

G or Left-click:  Fires your machine gun.

H or Right-click: Drops a bomb straight downwards.

Keypad + & - : Zoom in and out.

P: Pause Toggle.  Show audio options.


Ferocious Rabbit.rar 248 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and double click "The Story of a Ferocious Rabbit".

Alt+F4 to quit.

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